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How to translate an article manually


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For beginners:

  1. Open the document or article you want to translate, put the screen in front, keep a pen and a draft book with you.
  2. Start reading the article line by line. Read a whole paragraph and translate line by line in your mother tongue.
  3. Then translate it to the second language and write it in your draft book. You may translate long, hard sentences into smaller parts to keep it understandable and easy. Keep enough spacing while writing; this will let you correct your writing. Keep going until you finish the whole article.
  4. Read your draft translation and correct your mistakes.
  5. Read out loud the translated text into your transcriber app or google voice typing.
  6. Correct the mistakes in the transcribed text.
  7. Publish.

Shortcut for practicers:

3. Translate it to the second language in your mind and read out loud the translation into your transcriber app or google voice typing.

4. Correct the mistakes in the transcribed text.

5. Publish.


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