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How to translate an article manually

  Image source: For beginners: Open the document or article you want to translate, put the screen in front, keep a pen and a draft book with you. Start reading the article line by line. Read a whole paragraph and translate line by line in your mother tongue. Then translate it to the second language and write it in your draft book. You may translate long, hard sentences into smaller parts to keep it understandable and easy. Keep enough spacing while writing; this will let you correct your writing. Keep going until you finish the whole article. Read your draft translation and correct your mistakes. Read out loud the translated text into your transcriber app or google voice typing. Correct the mistakes in the transcribed text. Publish. Shortcut for practicers: 3. Translate it to the second language in your mind and read out loud the translation into your transcriber app or google voice typing. 4. Correct the mistakes in the transcribed text. 5. Publish.

মালয়েশিয়ায় টেলিভিশনে সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে নিন্দাকারী বাংলাদেশী অভিবাসী আটক

  Image source: কুয়ালালামপুরে শত শত অবৈধ বাংলাদেশী অভিবাসী আটক মালয়েশিয়া কর্তৃপক্ষ একজন বাংলাদেশীকে আটক করেছে, যিনি টেলিভিশনে বর্তমান করোনা পরিস্থিতিতে অবৈধ অভিবাসীদের প্রতি সরকারের আচরণের নিন্দা জ্ঞাপন করেন। আল-জাজিরার একটি ডকুমেন্টারিতে রায়হান কবির বলেন যে, সরকার গ্রেফতার ও আটকের মাধ্যমে অবৈধ বাংলাদেশী শ্রমিকদের উপর অবিচার করেছে। ২৫ বছর বয়সী এই যুবককে এখন ফেরত পাঠানো হবে। বিশ্লেষকরা শত শত অভিবাসীদের এই আটককে অমানবিক বলে অভিহিত করেন। সরকারি কর্মকর্তারা এই পদক্ষেপকে করোনা প্রতিরোধের জন্য জরুরী ছিল বলে জানান।  মানবাধিকার কর্মীদের রিপোর্ট অনুযায়ী আটক ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যে শিশু ও রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীরাও রয়েছেন। করোনাকালীন এই লকডাউনের ভেতরেই তাদের আটক করা হয়। 'Locked Up in Malaysia's Lockdown' নামক সেই ডকুমেন্টারিটির কাতারি প্রতিবেদকের তথ্যমতে, পুলিশ সেই ডকুমেন্টারি সম্পর্কে তদন্ত শুরু করেছে। কর্মকর্তা এবং স্থানীয় মিডিয়ার অভিযোগ হলো ডকুমেন্টারিটি ভুল এবং বিভ্রান্তিকর। এরই পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে তদন্ত শুরু হয়।  কবিরের বিরুদ্ধে গ্রেপ্তারি পরোয়ানা জারি হয়। তার ওয়ার্ক প

Colornote: one of my favorite apps

Image source: Back story I usually forget things quickly and this is why I have to note things down. Sometimes I can’t concentrate on my work because of a lot of thoughts in my brain; I usually think, “I’m gonna forget these important tasks I have to do”; this kind of thinking interferes with my work. This is why I always keep a notepad or use a notepad app on my phone. This helps me stay free of stress and tension. Why is colornote special? I used a lot of other apps on my smartphone to keep notes, but there were problems I couldn’t tolerate. I am listing some apps with their pros and cons. Evernote: A nice app with sync, but heavy (takes much space and ram). The loading time is boring. Contains too many features that I don’t need. Google keep: Almost similar to evernote, but it's also a heavy app. Some other lightweight, small notepad apps: Fast and small, but lack sync feature. Sync feature is essential for me. If I need to restore my phone or change my smartpho

When being lazy is a blessing

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How to write in a language that is not your mother tongue

Image source: Back story: My mother tongue is Bangla (Sylheti form). My dream is to become a great writer in English. But I was struggling to find a way to write well in English. I used to think to myself, "I am trying so hard, but it's not going well enough." Then finally, I found a way. Alhamdulillah!  Step by step walkthrough: Step 1 : Think in your mother tongue what you want to write,  Step 2 : Create an outline in your language and note them point by point in your mother tongue, Step 3 : Start your writing in the writing language. Think of the sentence in your mother tongue and then just translate it to the other language. You may need to use a dictionary and google translate for the translation because you will produce some perfect and deep words in your mother tongue which may need to be translated into a perfect word of the other language. Step 4 : After finishing your writing, use a grammar and spell checker service. Step 5 : Proofr

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Image source: Woman's The Back story My mother often feels sorry for the fact that feeding the children of our region is very hard. They like junk food very much, but if you try to feed them healthy foods, they will just turn their face back and say "Noooo!!"  On the contrary, the children born to nonnative parents like to eat those very much. I noticed the problem and thought: something must be wrong.  When I discuss that with my mother, she usually explains to me a theory which I call 'The nationalism theory.' It states that all Noakhali (nonnative) children are like that. Our children are 'adilka'. I don't agree with her at all. There must be some mistakes in the child-raising technique of our local parents. The probable causes behind the 'Noooo!' problem: 1. Our local parents are extra caring to their children. When feeding times come, they force their children to eat. But nonnatives don't. So, forcing the children might be the

A letter to my late best friend

Image source: Dear B, I don’t know how you are in your next life and I don’t know whether Allah has forgiven you. I was very sorry when I heard about your suicide. I didn’t believe it first; I couldn’t even imagine you can suicide. I was shocked after being sure. I later called your mother and talked about you. I hope she is OK now. X, why did you kill yourself? I was informed that it was related to a relationship. My friend, you were a Muslim. As a Muslim, it was not appropriate for you to kill yourself because of a prohibited relationship with a girl. Allah has sent us in this life only to worship him alone. Our lives belong to Him only. That’s why we say ‘Inna lillah’ when someone dies. The sentence ‘Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun’ means ‘Verily we are for Allah and to Him we will return.’ Our life, death, love, aspiration, everything is for Allah alone. After knowing all these, how could you sacrifice yourself for someone else? I assume you were too excited to think abo